Our Ongoing Anti-Racism Work

Jennifer Drury – February 2

Yesterday, I led four virtual meetings with Washington legislators, parents and our district superintendent. I have six more meetings set up in the coming weeks during the Washington State Legislative Session.  It’s an exciting time! Over a thousand bills have already been introduced. In my PTA advocacy work for students and families, it can be overwhelming to contemplate all of the changes that we envision to make our world more just and compassionate. Still, I came out of the calls feeling gratitude and admiration for our senators and representatives who are good people working hard to bend the arc. Truly! Find your favorite advocacy organization and find out which bills they are supporting. Sign up for their Action Alerts which will tell you when and how to email your legislators on bills they are supporting. Here is one that I follow.  Thanks for doing your part!


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Register for 2023 Interfaith Advocacy Day by January 29 for your best chance at meeting with your legislators in Olympia Faith Action Network A Partnership for the Common Good Faith Action Network is fanwa.org

Thank you!
Jennifer Drury