LEADER: O God, be gracious to us and bless us and make your face shine upon us PEOPLE: that your way may be known up the earth, your saving power among all nations. LEADER: Let the peoples praise you, O God; Let all people praise you. PEOPLE: Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the people with equity and guide the nations upon the earth LEADER: Let the people praise you, O God; Let the peoples praise you. PEOPLE: The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. LEADER: May God continue to bless us PEOPLE: Let all the end of the earth revere God.
LEADER: Protect me, God, from the unkind; from those of violence, keep vigilant watch, those who intend to make me stumble. PEOPLE: I said to God: “You are the wellspring of my strength!†Open your ears, Holy One, to my cry. LEADER: God, my Upholder, you are the strength behind my salvation. You cover my head with comfort on the day when disaster strikes. PEOPLE: A person with hateful tongue will never be at peace in the land. LEADER: Those of violence—their own evil will hunt them down thrust upon thrust. PEOPLE: I know what God will do— LEADER: You stand up for the afflicted, bringing down judgment on behalf of the poor. ALL: Only the righteous are grateful for your name; only the honest can dwell in your presence. Pamela Greenberg, “The Complete Psalmsâ€