Services Canceled March 15

A Special Message from Pastor Chris

Well, friends, I am missing you all and grieving that we will not be able to be together again this Sunday. But I would grieve even more if we came together as usual and ended up spreading the virus. For our younger members, COVID-19 would likely be no worse than a bad case of the flu. But for any over 60 or with a compromised immune system, COVID-19 could be deadly. I’ll forego the pleasure of your company for a few weeks in the cause of keeping us all healthy.

I wanted you to know that we’re making plans to keep everyone spiritually healthy, as well. Pastor Stephen will be delivering his sermon on Numbers 27 to a camera one day this week and we will post that on our website along with a recording of our Lenten candle litany for the week and links to YouTube videos of the hymns we would have sung together. I plan to do the same for this coming Sunday’s sermon, litany, and hymns.

I’m also researching websites offering daily devotionals with readings and prayer suggestions. I’ll be sending you all links of the good ones I find.

Meanwhile, please send me any prayer requests, especially joys, by e-mail, so we can all stay current with each other.

It’s mighty quiet at GSBC with no preschoolers at the building during the week. They, too, are being kept safe by staying home. Our recovery groups are proceeding cautiously with their meetings. I’ve asked them to pay particular attention to cleaning the building after they meet.

I continue to monitor the news of the spread of the virus and recommendations of how to help limit it. I’m not yet ready to cancel more Sundays but please keep in mind that this is a very real possibility.

Let’s all stay safe and well and we’ll get back to our normal way of doing things soon!
Pastor Chris

What Does God say About Women’s Rights

Worship Service in a Post–read through the Lenten prayer, view the hymns then read or watch the sermon!

Mothering God, You Gave Me Birth

Sister, Let Me Be Your Servant

Extinguishing the Candles of Lent

LEADER:  Lent is a time to reflect on our spiritual journeys, how we can follow Jesus more closely and how we have wandered from the Way.  Today, we remember how often God’s people have engaged in the sin of sexism.

PEOPLE:  Our Scriptures teach us that male and female were both created in God’s image.

LEADER:  One consequence of our rebellion from God is that men seek to rule over women.

PEOPLE:  God commanded Moses to give women the same right to earn a living as men had.

LEADER:  But women in our society are still paid less than men for the same work.

PEOPLE:  Both Old Testament and New are full of women who are filled with the Holy Spirit and lead God’s people.

LEADER:  But many churches still reject the leadership of women.  In repentance for how we have fallen into and supported a sinful patriarchy, we extinguish the second candle of Lent.

ALL: We have often done what we should not.  We have often not done what we should have done.  In God’s great love, we are forgiven.  Thanks be to God!

Strong, Gentle Children

Message from Pastor Stephen (PDF)

We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations

Services Canceled-Sunday March 8, 2020

Out of what is probably an abundance of caution, all activities at Good Shepherd Baptist Church are canceled for tomorrow, March 8.

Pastor Chris has been convicted to do this by the increasing number of cases of COVID-19 and by the statistical models that show the dangers of gatherings, even in the relatively small numbers of Good Shepherd. GSBC simply has too many of our sisters and brothers in the group at high risk, those over 60 and/or with compromised immune systems. 

Please be sure to share this message or call your friends to share this news.  

A decision about March 15 and beyond will be made in the next few days as we monitor the evolving situation.

Remember, the love of God and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit binds us all together no matter where we are.