
John the Baptist Preaching oil painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Featured events

This Sunday, January 19th, Reverend Ken Gray will be preaching from John 2:1-12 in a message titled, “A Better Wine”.
10:30 a.m.
Join in person or on our Facebook page

Winter Collection for Jean Kim Hygiene Center

They ask for all kinds of gently used warm clothing items and blankets. 
Specific items that are needed are:

Hand Warmers
Warm sweatshirts
Women’s and men’s underwear
All of these items can be brought to church.

Upcoming Events

Monday, January 20th
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at New Beginnings Christian Fellowship in Renton

Sunday, January 26th
Blessing of the new Good Shepherd kitchen after worship

Worship with us
Sunday 10:30 am in person or
Sunday 10:30 am on Facebook
First Saturday of each month: 4:00 pm

Worshiping and Office
6915 196th St SW
Lynnwood, Washington 98036

PO Box 1044
Lynnwood WA 98046

Email Pastor Aanenson

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